Some people may find this mysogonistic or sexist.
Some prostitutes earn more than architects.
Bashing intelligence is no different than bashing boobs. He stood up against someone who bullied him. If the bully was a dude, he might have said something with garbage, drug dealing or mcdonalds based on clothing and character. A female should not have special privileges of limitations towards insults, especially when she herself lacks character that deserves respect. If the nerd had been a female and said 'madam' instead of 'pimp', would people would still be in an uproar? Back in the day prostitution was step up from poverty because the only other option was marriage. Consensual sex with a financial transaction should not be confused with human trafficking and abuse. You don't think men would love to get paid to have sex all day, especially when they pick and choose partners/clientele? They mostly don't because there isn't a demand for their services and males will always put out for free (yes men, I'm calling you sluts, my apologies). Any harsh criticism towards prostitution is because it is illegal and has resulted into a black market that takes away the rights of women instead of liberating them. Imagine if we respected hookers here in the US like people respect Geishas in Japan.
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